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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy to See some Improvement

This has been a hard week.  Another run through the depression bs.  I found myself on my bedroom floor this morning, sobbing and wondering will this ever end?!

I decided to keep a journal daily about how I feel/what is going on, to see if there is a pattern.  Something tangible I can take to my therapist to see if she sees something I don’t.   I don’t know what is going to happen.  I cannot trust my emotions and frankly, they are beginning to scare me.

As I said, I want to keep a log (if you will) to see how often this happens.  All I know is the ups and downs are wearing me out.  :)

Anyway the point to this rambling is that this morning I looked for a small notebook I began in January 2005.  Not daily, but as often as I could I made an entry.  So, I flip through it and oh the misery inside.  I could feel the pain of the writer and wanted to cry.  Just what I needed on a day where nothing is making sense.  Of course 99% was about RJ and my marriage.  As I scanned page after page I was saddened by the words written by a woman so broken.  So, what started out as an emotional morning, started to change while reading her own words.  I was struck by the reality that I had truly come a long way.    That really gave me a shift in my emotions.  So, perhaps re-reading some of those pages was meant to be.

So, I will end here.  While the smile is on my face……   I’m not where I want to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be.



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