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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

End of Summer

Blink and weeks go by.  Is it age that reminds us how quickly time goes by?  Was it youth that gave us those days when tomorrow never entered our minds?   I’ve experienced both and I must admit, age has crept up on me and slapped me into the reality that life is flying by.  Kids are grown.  Grandkids  also growing faster than I care to admit. 

And then there is my life.  Isn’t that what this blog is truly about. ME!  I am eeking along figuring this thing called life, one day at a time.  No morbid reflection here, but looking back I can see parts of my life were just crazy and running wide open.  Then when life settled down, I knew everything was just the way it was supposed to be (in my eyes).  All the dots lined up.  And then they didn’t.  I admitted to someone (outloud) the other day that I had been single almost 9 years.  Just hearing that took me aback.  But, again, this isn’t about whoa is me……….  Poor baby.   It’s about honest self appraisal.  Taking a GOOD look around and by God accepting who I am, where I am.  Hey, now that sounds inspirational!

The therapy lady has me reading an awfully arduous book.  The kind you hate to pick up, let alone read.  The title doesn’t matter but the subject matter is supposed to open my eyes to some ‘things’.  Jeez  more ‘things’… just what I wanted, but probably what I need.

The days are getting shorter quickly.  I have probably blogged about the dreaded ‘fall’ season.   The season that was my favorite.  Now, here I am coming up again on the pumpkins, falling leaves, smells that I adore but leave me sad.  Maybe this will be the year that I allow all that negativity to fall off me and breath in the sights and sounds of a marvelous time of year.  My precious ‘S’ plays in the marching band at school so there will be lots of football games to watch.  How fun!  Lots of bdays in the last 3 months of the year.  And lets not forget ALABAMA football.  Which totally consumes us during these months too.

Lots to be grateful for.  And I am.  I still chuckle and smile and allow that warmth of contentment swallow me when I look around the condo and know that I truly am blessed. 



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