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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Post Divorce era

So, I have been  separated since Nov. 2004, divorced since Feb 2005.  That is too long to be stuck!

I have been out on a few dates, but honestly dating at my age (??) is hard.  Especially when you feel so unwanted by “him”.   Anyway  I got on one of those dating sites and found, out of hundreds of locals a couple that caught my eye.  Oh, I have talked to several but usually I find them to be jerks.  So, I took a chance and met “R” one night.  Just coffee and then we went walked around a local outdoor market.  I tell you this; I had a great time.  I enjoyed every conversation we had prior to this meeting.  We talked about going to the movies another night.   He hugged me and off we went in different directions.  Now the kicker is I found out he knows a friend of my sons.  Long story- after asking what “he” thought of “R” I was told to run.  Run away.  He is a womanizer.  Uh! OH!  But, the fact is I was skeptical anyway.  But, he has not called since then.  Now, another fella  called.  Sorta interesting but we were going to go out last week.  With “R1 and R2” still on my mind (R2 is a long story) I just thought oh what the heck.  Ok, speeding it up I had to cancel.  Totally legit, but cancel.  We decided to go bowling and he was going to call me and tell me when.  I haven’t heard from him either. 

I give up.  I am just not up to the whole “dating” scene.  Now, that does not mean that if I knew someone well enough and then they asked me out I wouldn’t go…  But that has only happened a few times. 

Life is good though.  The lows are getting better.  Thank you God for meds.  I can think clearer and that is a good thing.  So, the above information is just that.  And totally unworthy of the time I have given it – to write this blog. 

So, my ad would read like this:  SWF  - Terrific age, fantastic personality, superb conversationalist, attractive, attentive, spontaneous, outgoing, fun loving, and open … just a little.   J


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