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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Well I woke up about a week ago and asked myself, "is this worth it"  meaning the higher learning track i was on.  In the beginning of the whole school thing I broke down to my sponsor that I wanted to change the way I felt and drinking wasn't an option but running my car up a tree sure was! 
It is really interesting (to me)  that when I know, I know.  And I knew that I would not, could not continue.  And when peace comes from that decision then I know it is right (for me).
The weight of the world was lifted and I am so happy.

This woman always has something going on.  After 5.5 years at my apt. complex I am leaving.  I have scouted out several options, none of which seemed right.  But I knew that when I saw it, i would know.  And I believe I have.  Much more room (hurrah).  plus many other extras. 

I have been divorced more than 8 years.  I have moved (including this one) 7 x's.  How horrible is that?  I was still making poor decisions until the final move to where I am now.  I kicked and screamed with the thought of living in an apartment.  But, you know what?  It has been home for all this time.  Looking back God put me right where He knew I needed to be. 

See, if (IF) I get quiet, slow down long enough for my emotions to clear, I usually know what to do. 

Life is good, today. 

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