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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

This is it!!!

No excuse.  Well maybe that life gets incredibly busy.  And boy has it!
Back to school.  I got my first English paper back.  Totally awashed in red ink.  We all know what that means.  She is one tough instructor.  But then again  this is college English!
Spent a few hours in the math lab.   Sometimes that one on one helps to understand.  It did.  For a minute. 
The man-child turns 32 in a few days.  Where in the world did that time go?  I almost want to cry thinking how life churns.  Remembering how cute he was as a child.  Once when he was about 4 or 5 he rode his bike to a neighbor friend of his.  Within a short time he was back and really upset.  All he wants was a friend to play with and boy did he pick the wrong one.  He was really sad. 
He had some interesting growth spirts.  From about 4 to about 7 his waist size didn’t change.  So his shorts fit year after year.  Pants?  That was another story. 
I will leave out the middle years.  They were trying and painful.  He was difficult to love which is hard to say.  Defiant to the end.  I really did not think he would make it to 21. 
Off to war.  Back in one piece physically but not so mentally and certainly  not spiritually.  We will never know what his time over there was.  Probably don’t want to know.
His life shifted almost a year ago.  I have written about it already.  I couldn’t be prouder.  Recovery has been good to him.  Most days he is fun to be around.  Job, truck, insurance for that truck, checking account.  All things he lost to the disease.  All things that show how far he has come in a short time.  I know that ‘things’ don’t really show how we are inside.  Hell I could add a dozen things externally that make me happy (for a minute).  It is the inside job that really is the barometer. 
So,  here it is the end of January.  Where the heck did it go?  Was I present?  Am I enjoying the ‘journey?’  Trying to.

Enjoy yours.  After all………………….. this is it!

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