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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston. Road Rage.. Stand by........

I try to post about things that seem important to me at the time.  I know, totally self absorbed. 
I could beat myself up about that but why?  It is my blog.  I'm not being testy.  These words are for me.  I read a blog of a wonderful woman who talked about last weeks events and how they affected her.  I am ashamed.  I too felt horrible watching the news footage.  For days.  But I did not write one thing about it. 
Just know that I am as shaken as the rest of the world.  With the exception, I did not know anyone at the race.  But certainly we should all see this as a blast to our own world (no matter how small).  Slowly we are being pushed into a corner of fear.   But I shall not go.  Fear is a word I am more than familiar with.  Tornado's.  Fire.  Sickness.  Divorce.  add nauseum.  

Do we let that define us?  Yes, at times I do.  This may be one of them.  Over the weekend a creep came barrelling up behind me on the highway  almost kissing my bumper.  Went around me as close as you can without hitting me.  then pulled in front of me with equal deliberation AND hit his brakes.  I hit mine and swerved to avoid a collision all while he watched from his rear view mirror.  What had I done?  What was his deal?  WTH?   Well I fell into a rage.  got beside him and rolled down my window.  I'll show him, stupid sob.  I am screaming at hime furiously!!!!!!!!!!!!!   What does he do?  Rolls his window down (too) and acts like he is holding a gun and shoots me.  What is wrong with us?   This is not any way a comparison to Boston.  No, it is a jerk thinking he should/could scare a woman with little regard for her emotions.  And believe me,  I was emotional!  I played right into his sickness.
Is that what we do?  React?  Act?  Standby?  You decide.

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