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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

what will your mark be?

Will we leave a mark when we are gone?  Does what we do today touch the lives or make a difference in any way?  I hope so.  Not because I want people to grieve any more or less, but to leave a lasting memory to those I cherish.
A friend died suddenly the other morning.  Probably a massive heart attack.  Sad at best.  He leaves behind a host of friends and family to mourn and ask themselves, "will that be me next?"  Why is it that death brings us to a closer reality than anything we experience.  A reality of mortality.  It brings up reflection of who we are (after the reminiscing of who they were), what will happen to my family or just a smidgen of a glance at the impact our lives have made on those that knew us. 
Is that when it should begin?  Is that when we grab hold of who we are and begin to either make a change or increase our benefit to society thing?  God I pray that when I leave this earth that those around me can say, "good life, good person"
I do not think we should give of ourselves to get.  No, that is not the deal.  But giving of myself gives me great joy but knowing that somewhere someone will extend their hands to the next, and the next and so on.  Think of the old Travelers Ins commercial.  We are all truly connected (when we choose to be).
I for one, do not think God picked me out of my ruineous life to be a brick in the wall.   I want to be of service to anyone that I see in need.  ANYONE.  A hug, a smile, a word of encouragement (all free, all free).  Time seems to be an issue.  Giving of my time.  But I'm working on that one.  Money?  Well that is an area that I am just now addressing.  Gift of money in a quiet envelope.  Donations to Red Cross.  Now keep in mind as I do too, that no giving shall be done for benefit of oneself.  He sees and He knows our hearts.  My heart. 
I am beginning to love the people around me.  Beyond family.  Ok, work is still a work in progress.  I ask daily to forgive those that have harmed me and more importantly to be forgiven of hurts done to others, either known or unknown.  No longer playing the victim, I am now accountable for who I am.  How I treat others. 

If life is defined by what we own, then mine is lacking.  If life is defined by what we give, then mine is growing.  If life is defined by how our heart breaks for so many, then mine cries for mercy.  It is truly a gift we are given, now go share and let God direct our day.


1 comment:

  1. Another perfect picture to go along with your words. Your "mark" you leave behind is only deepening with more and more love as you help so many others expand their own awareness into themselves.

    It's magic, and your touching so many people's hearts, especially just with all you know and feel and share so well. Your life continues to unfold peacefully, and I gotta believe it's your gratitude for what you have (all of it).

    Back to reading ~ LL

    Your "power" is fuel in this growing awareness to point others towards love for all and all for one (our planet at least)
