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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Love should heal, not hurt

When someone we love hurts, we hurt, right?  Isn’t that the human connection?
If we/I didn’t I would worry.  Seriously.   But do we ever cross that imaginary line between care and control.  Trying to ‘fix’ it for someone to ease their pain as well as our own.  Put the big red arrow right here, on me.  I am guilty. 
Ever been bullied by the school yard jerk?  Perhaps a relationship idiot that can’t take ‘no’ as an answer and proceeds to push their will on you?  Ever said to anyone, “I don’t have a voice in this”?  Wish you had someone in your corner?  The newest term, “go to person” comes to mind.   Well do you?  Are you? 
I have a true issue with this very thing.  A need, if you will, to be heard.  So, when appropriate I want to shout out loud.  When squelched I want to jump up and down to be seen AND heard.  Remember the movie Dirty Dancing?  No one puts Baby in the corner.  Well that applies to me too.    Not having a ‘voice’ is the worst of all.
What does that connect to?  Feeling less than?  Like we don’t matter?  Absolutely.
Seems that is a reacurring theme with me.  But!  I’m aware and working to live beyond that.  Slowly.
I fear my precious grandkids have this same issue.  It crushes me to see them hurt but I know they can not be protected all the time. 
Life………… Where would we be without it?

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