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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Naked before all

She lifts her head up but only for a moment
Life has ravaged her sanity, her dignity
He walks away with the certainty that life will go on
She stands alone waiting for the screaming to end
Before she realizes there is no sound.
She wonders silently does time age us or does life
Or does it matter?  To anyone as they bustle by her
She is naked to the world but they can’t see
Their own lives are too filled with their own insecurities

Her thoughts race and then they disappear
Into a sea of hostility, hardly able to breathe
Even from a distance he watches, afraid
Afraid to turn away, she might go away…… forever

She wants too. She thinks perhaps then the pain will be over
Pain for whom?  They’ll be sadness all around
Just not from those that knew her at the end
Those that hurt and abused the quietness of her soul
The very people that deemed her unworthy of their time
The air that they breathe. 
So this is the call to them, to those that see and still do
Cover their shame with a cloak as dark as her spirit.
She is gone and tomorrow they will forget all they had done.

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