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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Don't blink

Life can come at ya quick.  Then we blink and years have come and gone.  I was thinking about that yesterday.  Someone asked me how old my twin grandkids are.  When I answered 10 my mind took me back to that day.  Then of course it circled all around the years that followed.  Encompassing all the years I have been blessed with grandkids.  And how many changes have occurred.  Not just in my life but theirs as well.  At times I feel sad watching them change right before my eyes.  Those precious innocent babies that are loosing some of that.  Life for them will never be what it was for me growing up.  The world is just not a good place anymore.  Now, I'm not being an 'eyore' but that is the truth.  Kids disapear all the time.  Bad things happen to them and their families.  Scary as hell.

How do you protect them?  How can you say, 'please turn off those electronic devices and let's talk'?  They will never know the fun it was to ride a stick pony.  Play kick the can till after dark.  Roll down the hill inside a tractor tire.  Pick apples right off a tree and eat them without washing them!  You catch my drift, right?

All of our childhoods are different.  But really they are all the same as far as growing up goes.  But as generations change things become cloudy to the elders.  Kind of like when my grandfather would sit at his kitchen table and scratch his bald head and yell at the radio.  "the worlds gone to hell" and he meant it.  Well I don't know if I would go that far........... or should I. 

Life  like it or not................. it's here and gone.

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