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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 5th. Election day.

Why vote?  Why not?  What for?  Will it make a difference? 
Ever asked yourself these questions?  I have.   I was always the one that proudly stated, “I don’t care who wins” and I honestly meant it.  After all won’t your vote cancel out mine?  Why bother was my mentality.  Riding on the coat tails of a family that didn’t go to church or vote.  Huh.  Ok.  I get it.
Does my voice really matter?  Today it does, to me.  In my English class we have been forced (ok, jokingly, asked) to write several papers on this election.  I loved doing the research.  Never, never vote based on what you read or hear.  Do your own research.  I found it to be fascinating.  Someone that wouldn’t vote will now be at the polls bright and early.
Now, I have a split family.  Some Demo’s others not.  I was surprised to see the division.  What I found was that (ok, you probably already know this) blue collar votes Democratic; white collar goes the opposite direction.  So, I made a choice 4 years ago that I wanted to see change.  So, I voted Democratic.  Shshshshshsh.  I was proud to do so too.  Fast forward 4 years.  I am dismayed at all the politicals musings.  He said, He did.  Shut up! 
So, after that election I saw things I did not like.  So, I decided that the liberal demos just were not where I was headed.   I worked for Republicans for many years and began to believe what they “said”.  I had no moral high ground for myself so this seemed to make perfect sense.  I could see the shift going on right before my eyes.  Ha!  Again, following behind someone elses beliefs.  And still ignorant of that fact. 
Alright speeding time up; I eventually landed in the land of misfit toys.  I have decided (for myself) that after 3.5 years of bantering between political lines it got deeper and deeper.  And I did not like what “they” were saying.  Ugly, rude, untruthful statements.  
Finally about a few weeks ago I decided based on life facts;  I am a democrat.  YOU are MY people.  I am from that side of the tracks.  I did grow up with a modest home but still poorer than the kids around us.  But I now know that for me that makes the most sense.  I am not less than but equal and I’ll be damned if the Republican tribe would like to see us hurded up and put out to pasture.  That we are to stupid to make good decisions.  Well BS to you.  Cause I know what I am and believe.  YOU?  All people deserve to live harmoniously on this earth.  I know now that living in this environment (work) has pushed me to a place of acceptance.  And boy does it feel good

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