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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

To my friend

Sometimes saying what I want or need to comes easier in a poem:

I’ve watched you suffer albeit from afar
I tried to help but nothing seems to change you, so far.
We have sat in meetings day after day
And most of the time you have little to say.
Your contempt for the necessary power to remain
Sober today and somewhat sane-
Eludes you at best, your resistance is great,
We have shared our stories yet you continue the debate.
When your life is such a mess and self reliance has failed you
Yet you stand before me screaming “tell me what to do”!
As if you haven’t heard this enough from me
Get busy in the steps, trust God…… let the rest be.
I believe in God’s grace but there is work for you to do
To get ‘those promises’ that are there for you
That has enriched our lives so much more than we ever dreamed.
Reduced the sadness, given us peace, helps us to live effortlessly or so it seems.
You, my bright young friend, can have all of this and more
And it begins with willingness to give up the war.
We all have those demons that haunt us at times
But we never stop trying and keep on the climb
as each step we take gives us something we can use
A power to live by, we have nothing to lose.

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