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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Learning to Live One Day at a Time

Whew.  That takes practice.  I was always running hither and yon, never sitting still long enough to look at my life.  It was too painful.
You taught me how.  You gave me tools to live.  Steps by which I could finally stop running.  And I have (sort of).  Step 10 has given me a daily report which should be used to help define me.  polish me, if you will.
IF I ALLOW this to work in my life.  IF.
And most days I gladly give my life over to the care of the omnipotent one.  But then there is that one thing that I still hold on too.
That relationship.  Him.  My foot is still in the past.  Well sort of.  Seeing him ties me to just that.  See I am casually involved in a relationship w/ someone who kicked me to the curb years ago. 
Today I may have to come to terms with why.  There is the loop.  Right back to that inventory that hopefully will set me free (and him too). 
If I allow myself to feel the pain, experience the loss and move on.


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