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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taking a break

I finally reached a breaking point.  The program of Alcohilics Anonymous says we are to give freely what was given to us.  However, having 3 people in the same place at the same time ended up being too much.  I felt too stretched.  So I started peeling the layers.  A necessary thing for me to do, for my sobriety.  And I hated it.  But, hating when the phone would ring because I had nothing left to offer, was draining me.

So as I stay sober I learn so much more about me.  As I help others I continue to grow in effectivness and understanding.  But for now it will be with less folks. 

I am so grateful that today I can see my limitations and I am willing to say no.  Without fear of recrimination from others that probably don't sponsor themselves.  AND this isn't the end.  It's a break and I'll continue when and if I am so prompted. 


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