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Thursday, November 27, 2014

More than Thanksgiving

Today for many will be a day of turkey and all the trimmings.  Pumpkin pie is my favorite.  I miss my mom at this time as her favorite thing was to cook a huge stuffed turkey all night long.  We would wake to the awesome smell of that turkey and her 'thistling' in the kitchen.  Back then, even after we had our own children, we would all converge on her house and it was the best of times.  Well, now, in my 50's I want the same for my kids.  For several years my daughter hosted everyone.  She has the biggest family now and it made sense to flop at her place.  Well, this year, after many years, they will all come here.  Finally well enough to be the host, once again.  So, son will bring the ham, kids dad will bring the turkey and dressing and daughter gets a reprieve and brings a pie.  I will fill in all the other stuff... potatoes, veggies, cranberry sauce.... and of course pumpkin pie.  hmmm hmmm.
There is some sadness knowing that one of us will probably not be here next year.  God has his life in his hands but cancer is stealing his body.. slowly.   So, for all of us thankful for the gathering of those we love.

I looked around and found other family members getting together, extended trying to as well.  Weather up north is wreaking havoc on travelers and here in the south it will be necessary to have a roaring fire.  Thankful for the warmth.

The scuttlebutt of black Friday shopping beginning tonight and those that scream 'let the holiday be just that' and allow all families to have the opportunity to be together.  To hell with retailers and money.  Whaaaat?  Money!  Yeah well that is not going to happen.  That dollar is way to important to stop anything... anything.   Thankful to be off from work today and tomorrow.

So, as the Macy's day parade begins, and I optimistically wait for the day to unfold and all the kids to be here, I say thanks to the God of my understanding... as today is the 10th year of my new life.  Still single... but letting go of the hurt, anger and resentment of what was and knowing if I get out of the way... so many more blessings of internal happiness abounds.

Happy Thanksgiving...

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