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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014



It seems we never stop making decisions.  When to get up, where to eat, what to eat, where to work, where to live, what to drive……………… 

I mean this could go on forever……………. What I find, for me, is some are as simple as a check mark on a school paper.  Done!  There are the ones that I know need to be made; but which way to turn, or go?  That would set the decisive mark a tad lower for me.  Honestly, laughing as I write this….I have pulled up to a drive up to order fast food and have one thing in mind and when the speaker squaks I say something entirely different!  And then laugh as if to confirm my decisive or un as the case may be.

As those decisions are made/need to be made I remain determined to stay true to me.  And the story should end with that.  Resolution……  And it isn’t even January 1st.  Oh well, I stink at resolutions anyway.

At one time in my life there were very few choices or decisions that I failed to make.  Sometimes they were bad ones, but I did make them.  I own that.  Sometimes those decisions, while a good intention was in the midst, the choice totally bombed and most of the time I was left holding the bag, if you will.

I think for me, I have conceded far more with a ‘sorry’ than I needed too.  Years saying that I’m sorry when if fact many of those sorry’s had absolutely nothing to do with any ability I had.. I just felt compelled to cover any misery for anyone with that statement.  ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’.  Yeah, ok,  totally ridiculous……………

So, I try to decided to make a decision and darn determined to stick with that plan.

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