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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Turkey's and Truth

Just a few days away from Thanksgiving.  What a year this has been.  With cancer closing in on the life of my kids father... time is ticking away.  We have held our breath hoping for him to make it to "M's wedding, now Thanksgiving and next of course Xmas.  They begin radiation on brain leasions tomorrow.  We are all in God's hands whether we know it, believe it or not.  Life only lasts till it is over.  This is awful to watch his decline and certainly to watch my kids too.
So, we will all be together this Thanksgiving at my house.  Bittersweet.

This week has been emotionally draining for many family members.  No need to write about it... just seems everywhere I look within our families there is strife and hurt.  So praying for peace for all of us.... changing of hearts where hurt remain, and love to cover each and everyone of us/them.

Hearing the truth can  be so hurtful.  Hearing it from a close family member could suck and possibly leave a dent so deep the repair won't come soon.
Hence trying to remove the veil of bs from someone's eyes.  She has been hoo doo'd for so long by her daughter that it just sickens me.  To listen to all the lies and how bad she treats her mom enrages me, but staying on the fringe is what I have done; until today.  If someone sleeps round the clock for days and then is up for days..... sounds familiar.  However in her world she calls it bipolar.  yup bipolar.  and she is being treated... ok, then.

So, thanksgiving (truly being thankful) and truths even my own.

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