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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's official.

It's official.  It's begun.  Last night was my first night/day at school.  Was I the oldest?  Not sure.  What I am sure about is I left there totally lost.  Lost in fear, lost in knowledge, lost in a sea of people.  The other quite obvious thing is, I wasn't alone.  I could see the lost look in some of the students.  I got an awesome math instructor (correct terminology for teacher at this level).  Complete with bow tie.   It may end up being a better class than I thought. I figured my english comp. class was going to be the easy part.  Uh, no.  It seems we do more writing in there than I figured.  AND all assignments, grades, etc is done electronically.  Ok, I'm no dinasaur but really?  Huh.  pretty cool.
Not much more to tell but once the groove gets set in I shall increase the writings again.  It's gonna be a hellova ride.


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