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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Enjoy the journey

The name of this blog is Breathing Lessons and boy did I need that this morning.  Ever have one of those mornings/days where everyone or thing around you just seems to be out of sorts?  Daughter calls.  House got struck by lightning (we insure her)  Mom what do I do?  I thought I had upset a dear blogger.  School insists I foot the initial tuition/books fee and they will release my funds in 30 days.  Really?  If I had the money I wouldn't ask them for more?  Good Grief.  AND I have hit another brick wall with work.  I need to take off tomorrow about 3:30.  Certainly doesn't sound like a problem but were a small office and 1 of us is already gone.  With me that leaves 1.  And that is a problem.  I will cross that bridge when it gets time.
So all before 10am I felt like a brick was on my chest.
Fast forward a few hours.  Everyone is fine, daughter is sorting through the items hit.  Resolved my fear with my blogger friend (ok relative)  now......... on to work. 

See this is the deal; we address things as they come up, right?  Hmm for me that has always been difficult.  First of all I need time to process.  Process the who and the what without making a decision or a choice.  Problematic is that I am also on the ADD/HD side and my nature is to jump before I think.  
And as things get piled up I begin to feel overwhelmed and, well, shut down. 
Back up the ball of yarn as the wise owl has said to me.  See where things went off track.  Honestly looking at the who and the do.
Somewhere in the midst of the clammer I can find my truths.  I can hear my soul saying, "quiet down, all is well".   stop managing the world.  Breathe (as my cuz said to me earlier) and by the way  http://everclevertimes.blogspot.com/  you are gifted writer.  don't stop. 

So, I take a deep breathe, stop for a moment and take in all that is happening and break it all down to manageable pieces. 

And dance like everyone is watching but no one cares!

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