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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Take a look around

I walked outside reveling in the crispness of the early morning temps.  I glanced up and saw this glorious star filled sky that brought a smile to my face.  How many people look up I silently wondered.

In the evening, the awesome beauty of the blues, pinks and oranges of the setting sun catches my breath from time to time.  I would not have noticed without keeping my eyes on the horizon. 

Listening before daybreak to the chirping of the birds as they begin to forage for their daily meals.  Human nature (if feasible) rakes in their own harvest; fearful of not having enough.  Wasteful of much of that.

As I run on the paths designed for enjoyment I listen to the water in the streams beside it.  Occasionally I will stop and see fish or small critters scampering to avoid being the next dinner on the food chain.  Circle of life never ends.

Hiking on mountains small enough to be challenging but big enough to get lost in.  Relishing all the sites found on the trek; silently wondering does anyone stop and smell the flowers anymore?

Cold river water seems still until a kayak breaks the surface.  Joyfully paddling away the endless miles of scenery well aware of the turtles as they sun themselves on logs poking above the water line; diving in to escape the uncertainty of the noises coming from the boats.  In the same way we are startled by a quick movement on the banks only to spy a water rat escaping our vision and perhaps other creatures as well.  The trees, touching the endless blue sky with white billowy clouds marking spaces for a moment.

I would be amiss without the mention of the grass as it grows silently only to be mowed down to a desirable height, which is repeated over and over as the warmth of summer begins to fade.  All the while bringing food to the rabbits that live in the cover somewhere on the property.  Unknown to us as we aren’t quick enough to follow as they jump down the rabbit hole (or do they really exist?).

Watching the sunrise on a warm summer morning, coffee in hand….pondering the events that will unfold as that day progresses.  What a life.  All that I’ve mentioned give life to something even if it is just fresh air that we breathe.


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