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Monday, November 23, 2015

When did this happen?

When did this happen?  When did I become the “grandmother’ instead of the cool MiMi?

I am saddened at the course of events over however long it has taken.  My precious grandkids who used to snuggle, love on and squeeze so tight have now taken to hugging me and picking me up off the floor (all the while laughing).  Songs on the radio I no longer know the words to?  What used to be our ritualistic car rides and singing PP&M, Puff the Magic Dragon or This Land is Your Land or a few others we would sing out loud has now become a quiet ride most of the time.  Well quiet in that the music they like (and btw know all the words) I get a headache from and don’t know the words; which can make the event even funnier.  When did this happen?  I’m sad… what will happen next?  No longer spending the night with their MiMi?  I shudder at that thought.  Shopping for clothes for them has lost its fun in that we either can’t find what they like or what they like is not available in their size.  I was informed by my youngest that this year, for Xmas to please give her $$ so she can go shop for her own fun clothes.  What?  Last year I went, list clenched in my hand, to some crazy store for what she wanted and felt I did a good job.  Well it seems I have now been banished to the lower level of ‘that’s ok Mimi” meaning…… I have lost my touch. 

Let’s take a trip down memory lane (oops that may be a short one).  Let’s go back to 2005… living alone they would come to spend the night.  The daytime was filled with laughter and lots of fun activities.   Night time would go well until bedtime.  My poor precious Caleb would get upset, begin to cry and want to go home.  It would break m y heart…. But he would cuddle up and eventually fall asleep.  Let’s take a ride to the mountain; swing on the swings, take a hike, collect pine cones and nuts (since they were sure there was a squirrel somewhere else that might need them)…. Hide-n-seek, swimming… oh lots of swimming.  So many memories with pictures that tell the same story.  My sweet precious babies.  Who are now 13, 15 and 16… I’m old.  I see that now.  They have left me behind and now I’m the fun one but not on the same level.  We still swim (but don’t go as deep), play board games as well as dominoes and cards.  Tucked away are plastic totes of any toy I have managed to keep of theirs and the books we read nightly.  Which, if you have never watched the reaction of a child as you read a book to them and they look at the illustrations.  Priceless.  Hikes are few and far between although they still like going to the mountain… But I am seeing all too clear….. I know I will always be loved by them (plus my newest baby, Trip) but the new memories will include other activities set by their age and mine too.

There have been days since 2004 where I just did not want to get out of bed but they would come stay with me and for a minute my world was back in tact… for a moment.

The soothing sounds of singing and laughing and telling fun stories…. Well those times are still here….. I just hope I remember that… tomorrow.  Did I say I love these kids… ok, well you get the picture then…. Always is a long time but not long enough.

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