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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Greatest Joy

There is no greater joy than to see your children happy and fully adjusted to this thing called life.  But, when they bring their children into this life things grow considerably.  While I have the greatest joy in my daughters children, all 4 of them, I am elated at the birth of my son’s baby boy.  I spent so many years crumbled up in fear over his choices most of which were awful and hurtful (to him and others).  But when he reached out to God 4 years ago and said I’m done and I need you… his life changed rapidly.  Sober, wonderful girlfriend, marriage and truly blessed life and then baby “T” came.  He will be 2 weeks old tomorrow.  What a miracle.  I got to spend a few hours with them last night.  In watching “M” hold him, love him and adore him my heart just melted.  I do believe he has that much of his dad in him, who adored his children and grandchildren.  That is another blessing (if you will).  Their dad passed away at the end of last year.  “T” arrive will (hopefully) take the focus off of ‘that’ and perhaps ease that emptiness just a little.  Not saying someone can replace another; however, where one life ended another began.  And he is loved.

Thanksgiving is next week.  We will all be at my son’s house for a great meal.  Yes it will be less one important person but we will all be together along with his in-laws.  I have asked ‘R’ (ex) to join us as he is alone.  He has not committed but the invite has been extended…

Another point with “R” is his son.  I wonder if the song Cats in the Cradle applies here.  “T” left home at 17 and has never returned; well except for a quick visit here and there.  After we were married he seemed to accept me and his dad’s remarriage and came a couple times a year.  We attended his weddings (quick one many years ago), and he seemed to like coming (at least while we were married) and staying with us.  As a matter of fact he would go see his mother for a day but always came back to our house.  Well all that has changed.  He no longer comes with his wife.  They do not invite him to their house due to having 4 dogs that get upset.  Who does that?  Anyway back to Cats in the Cradle, I have to wonder….


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