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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Streaming down her face


She lets the tears stream down her face….

Desperately trying to find God’s grace.

Wanting so badly to find understanding,

Knowing it comes out way too demanding.

Her spirit is broken unlike anything before,

No one can see how close she is to the floor.

Deep inside, her fire begins to diminish,

Questioning life/ hurt and knows she is finished.

If anyone is watching they probably can see,

How small she feels - broken like a tree..

Blown over at night during a terrible storm,

Wanting to stand up but unable to perform.

Her head shakes in disbelief as she cries,

How could something so good now be denied.

For weeks she knew things had to change,

How quickly it did - still it all seemed so strange.

Her questions are so hard to answer,

But knowing it can spread like cancer,

To wallow in the “what happened” department

Knowing all this needs to be put in a compartment.

Blocked from sight or stored from view

Carrying the burden of something so new.

She looks up to heaven and cries once more

Please lord show me the way out, where is the door?

She will never again let anyone close

Her head will hang down much longer than most..

See she knows her secret that only a few are aware

Pain like this is more than she can bear.

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