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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, July 14, 2014

What drives you?

In a response to an email this morning it came home to me that emotion drives this blog.  So, I thought about that and decided to make that my topic today.

Driven by sadness originally brought me to this anyway.  I began writing poems about 5 years ago that, when re-read, found them to be so profound that in some small way I knew there was healing in words.  Again an unseen reward, as hurtful as that could be. 

Life hurts at times and my days have been and hopefully will be less than, hurt by some major decisions made by me.  

Whoa!  Gotta stop with the way this is going right now.  Not that I want to stop any flow of energy that brings to light/surface what keeps me in bondage.... I do not want this morning to be 'driven' the wrong way.

So, let me say this....  I can be aware of how my thinking can put my direction in either way.  Good or bad.  So, taking another sip of coffee, watching the clock, I choose to make this positive.

So, nothing says we have to stay miserable, except our own thoughts.  I mean life is still life and without death or loss, what really is there to bogg us down?  Truly.  Re-direction of my thinking at this very moment truly will 'drive' my actions for the morning.

No morning physical workout..... emotionally this is it.  A few words, a few moments and very hot coffee and I am ready......   For a good day!

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