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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


With this being around the 4th of July I got to thinking.  Freedom.  What exactly does that mean to us?  I saw a dear friend's post on fb yesterday that got me thinking.  She belongs to a 'free thinkers' society.  What?  What is that?  Spent time at a 'freedom FROM religion' gathering.  Interesting.  So, what does that mean?  What about freedom OF religion, which is what began for us back in 1776.  Now this is not a religion debate.  I do not care IF you believe OR what you believe in.  Not really.  What I wondered about is how strongly we are convicted in what we believe.  Are we quietly sitting on our convictions or loudly trying to change your's?  Please note this is not open (on my forum) for debate (said louder).  Rather to get us thinking of our own.  Since this is about me (jokingly stated) I began to wonder how tall I would stand if asked or challenged.  I have grown so much in the area of higher powered.  After a gathering of family over the past days, I wondered how this would all end.  Not in a verbose sort of way, but how I spend my days going forward will speak volumes as to how I believe.  I reflect on a life spent less spiritually and how groping for the next 'fix' was all I knew.  Fixed being a loose term.  All of those fixes left me lonely and alone. 

Before this turns south, let me try say that I have a wonderful life today but I truly have to continue to be aware (good morning JAW) of what that means.  We all get tied up in knots over something.  This morning as I sit outside in the beautiful 68 degree temps, before grandkids coming bounding downstairs, before folks begin demands of each other, I sip a hot cup of coffee, enjoy my morning meditation and ponder how really awesome all of this truly is.   Ahhhh.  Breathing Lessons.

So, how I spend my day is so much more than 'getting'; how will I give/live today is the deal. 

Good morning freedom..............

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