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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut

That may have been a movie title.  Seems so.  But, this is what came to me today.  Sometimes I just don’t want to see what is going on around me.  Sometimes it is just too painful, hurtful.   I wonder how many other people feel that way too.  See, life truly has major ups and downs.  The key is to hold on through the downs and sing out loud on the upside.  I have a friend that told me some time ago to throw my hands up in the air as if on a roller coaster and yell, weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Mm hmmm.  You know I’m not able to do that most of the time.  But isn’t all of this about awareness and knowing this too shall pass?!  The other day my son reminded me of this, keep your eye off the small rearview mirror and focus on the wide windshield.  I tear up thinking about that.  God how awesome it is to release the grip on the world.  Whew!  For a moment that feels great.

I am learning to embrace who I was born to be and allow God to mold me back to that.  So, the first thing is to acknowledge that it is “ok” to be who I am.   I have come to terms with the part of me that seems to be so emotional.  Cry at the drop of the hat.   But, that doesn’t mean I can change that about me.  So, those things that we can’t change, embrace.

Ok, back to the subject.  Sorry for the detour.   This week has been full of ‘feeling’ stuff, which I do not always relish.   Mainly the ‘bad’ stuff.  So, eyes wide shut means, for me, today… that even shut I still need to be cognizant of what is going on, even when I don’t like it.


Friday.  Hurrah!  Now that is something I like.

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