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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Weekend~

Memorial weekend.  A 3 day weekend to us, but so much more.  My dad, my son, brother…. All veterans.  Thank you for your service!

This weekend as a kid meant heading to the lake.  Camping, boating, just having a ball with family… Some of the best memories.

As we have grown older those shifted more to swimming pools and cookouts.  We have always had a pool at one of our houses.  This weekend will be no different.  So, hamburgers/hot dogs, lots of laughter, lots of grandkids (for all of us), and plenty of sunshine and cold water!  I can’t wait.

I have tried (again) to date.  UGH!  I get excited and then let down.  I went out with 2 different men over the past several weeks and neither would be again.  Tonight I will once again and whether it is a hit or not, I am what I am and this is it.   I am tired of the long nights of questions, fake laughter and uncomfortableness of it all.

I am so thankful today.  Thankful that I am healthy,   I know some of my family is not.  I have reflected on my past life quite a bit this week.  Sometimes I cried, sometimes I sat in fear and mostly in awe of where I am today.  I can not say this enough.  God is so good…!!!!!!!!!

So, as this memorial day comes and goes I hope everyone stays safe and has a terrific weekend.

Tomorrow I will go to watch 60 hot air balloons take off at 6:30am.  They do this every year and I have yet to watch.  So, tomorrow will be a first!


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