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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Living Marginally

Living Marginally!

I am currently doing a study on just that.  At first I thought, I am, living marginally.  But, after last night I was shown differently.  The key areas:





For when/if we do live within and leaving margins, we are a)happier thus emotionally better; b)living within my means, therefore alleviating the stress of financial woes; and lastly c) living a faith based life which must include that trust in a supreme being.


Again, I stress, I thought I was.   I mean everyone has ‘those days’ when any one of the above can be off kilter a tad.  Yes, we do.  That does not mean it should tilt our apple cart.  That is the purpose of this study.  Oh boy, we are in for a ride.  I am excited.


All of these are truly connected.  Connected by that trust/faith in what can not be seen.  Errrr! (slam on brakes sound)  fear is the steering wheel.  FEAR!  FEAR!  FEAR!


Living beyond fear, doing ‘it’ afraid…. I have lots of growing to do. 



Sunday marked my 5 year anniversary with my current job.  Who would have seen that coming. 

To think just over that time frame ago I was about to jump ship on the job I had taken after leaving a job I had held for almost 8 years.  See I do not leave many jobs and when I do it has always been for a better position.  This was no exception.  I may struggle with personalities at times, but I can honestly say I am truly blessed.


Son has a pretty hefty surgery today.  He has been in so much pain for so long and finally he is willing to take care of it.  Of course the underlying fear (for him, his fiancé and me…) is the pain meds issue.  He knows that 3 years ago I was up against the same scenario and was taken back to that place of abuse.  Thank God, for me, I was back on the sobriety track within a few days of realizing where I was headed. 


So, air conditioning is out at the house and it will be almost 90 today.  Hoping that can be fixed today…..


Marginally….. think about it…….

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