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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Crazy Anger. Anger Crazy!


Anger is ruling my spirit these days.  Anger with people that I normally wouldn’t give them a small second of my time.  But let them turn the tables and bam!  I am angry that I am being treated like a no body.  Imagine.  I, I, I.  Shut the h up! 

Last night I heard so much in a bible study I am in.  This morning as I did a chapter and also read some meditations, It really hit me hard how the anger is making choices for me.  Choices.  Like when drugs did that.  When relationships did/do that.  How does that happen?  How can it be ok, then not, then ok again.

My answer?  Because I am looking outward again, and trying to fill that God size hole with ‘other’ things.  Other than drugs and alcohol.  And believe me, anger is a powerful tool.  And when I am run by anger, it bleeds into all areas of my life.  Hence, where I am.  I was slowly backing myself into a corner.  And for what?  So, that I am not hurt further?  So that ‘they’ will see I am hurt?  MANIPULATION at it’s best.

No time to go further and no need.  Word for the day.  MANIPULATION>   See I still can’t always see the truth.  My truth.  Good grief. 


Perhaps the realization will create change.  Perhaps.

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