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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Here a blog, there a blog....

When i was getting sober/clean I was shown some sober blogs online.  I fell in love with several and totally enjoyed reading their intimate details of their daily lives.  It gave me hope for mine.  They walked parallel lives with me and i felt connected.
One of my favorite bloggers has decided after 15 years she is calling it quits.  It saddened me but hey, we all stop sooner or later.  I learned so much from her.
I do realize that mine blog began as a sober musings.  Daily doings.  Family Focus.  Darn near anything i wanted to write about , i did.  But then it did become old. Old as in who is going to read my 'stuff'.  I wanted my blog to be about 'breathing through a sober life' and it has taken some heavy curves. 
So, i'm not going anywhere (at least for now) but hopefully i will steer myself back to what excites me.  SOBER living, thinking, breathing. 

I think sometimes the more you talk about something the bigger it gets and sometimes bigger can be good. 

I read a cooking blog that is so entertaining.  But, for me, mine is just a gal trudging the road, one day as a time.

Joy is truly something that exudes from folks that love who they are, where they are and what they do.

Joy.   I love it!

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