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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

It's the great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  All Hallowee's Eve.  Mischief's night.  and of course  Halloween. 
Today, in the south it is rainy and pretty blustery (awe that makes me think of winnie the poo).
Our yellow, brown and orange leaves are being blown around as if they had no better place to be.
Forecast is not looking good for any young ghouls out later today.  What a shame since I have 4 grandkids that may want to wander around collecting goodies.
This brings me to a place in time where fall was my favorite time of the year and Halloween was the icing on the cake.  I absolutely loved the changing of the leaves, which, up north was spectacular-even as a kid.  The cooler temps and the beginning of the holiday season.
A couple of great memories surrounding the Halloween spirits.
My aunt and uncle lived beside a graveyard  (oooh  spooky).  so one halloween we went to their house in full costume.  So, my uncle had a tractor hooked up to a cart full of hay.  So, we were loaded up onto this cart and off we went.  Now, we ended up driving through the cemetary.  Of course it was dark and I was about 8 at the time, maybe 9 but certainly gullable.  Especially when he said oh, oh.  we are out of gas and don't you know it was smack dab in the middle of the cemetary and pitch dark.  So, he pretends to walk back to the house to get gas.  I am freaked out since i had a terrible fear of the dark anyway.  What we/i didn't realize is he had snuck back around and hid behind some trees until we got good and scared and boo!  He jumps out and bellows with laughter.  That is a great memory for me even 50 or so years later. 
Another thing that seemed to be a big deal was mischief night.  I was too young to participate in the "mischief" but remember my mom opening our front door to find our trees were covered in toiletpaper.  That was the first time i had ever heard of such a thing.  Again, another memory....

So, as time passed and the times have gotten scarier, our children's children will no longer fully get the fun of the night.  Skip this house, don't eat unwrapped candy....... isn't that sad.

One more thing before I wish you all a Happy One; when my children were small we took them to the neighbors for a few treats.  One of the neighbors we had known for years had opened her door to the kids yelling 'trick or treat'.  while we (the parents) were busy watching the treat giver, I looked at the picture window in the livingroom.  Huh!  There was a costume just like one of my kids.... no wait!  That is my child..............  He had wandered past the arm of the candy giving lady and politely looked out the window at US!

Happy Halloween everyone.

And for a "treat"  here is the gang after we fought the zombie's and won!

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