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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A little yuck and lots of thanksgiving

First off, I do not like nor ‘do’ change well.  Below is a perfect example:

While grateful  to have a new laptop, I am less than enamored with windows 8…. Hard as heck to maneuver, made for touch screens and tried to get it to be friendly with all other computer devices. 

I am one of the ‘lucky’ ones.  I have been slowly trying to adapt since September.  One day it seems ok, the next there is nothing friendly about it.  Without bashing this any further (since I am sure you have the point) I found a ‘fix’ in installing windows 8.1    So, I did.  

Listen, my mouse pad quit taking commands.  I could not close any programs.  It was awful  and making matters worse is my a) lack of knowledge and b) desire to find out how to work around this. 

This morning, out of frustration, I reset my computer back to factory settings.  The only thing left in tact was my photos or any other files I had stored.

So, I did not throw out my laptop like I threatened to do last night.  Not sure if all will be well tonight, but there is always hope.

Hope………….  This thanksgiving I believe all that sit at the table with my children will feel.  And prayerfully say that “T” will be here next year.  His chemo is going ok (if that is possible).  He is on his 3rd round, skipping every other week.  So, this being a chemo week, I hope  he will feel like eating with us. My granddaughter has a tradition with her pawpaw that she spends the night b4 Thanksgiving with him.  Helping prepare dressing and other goodies.  The other day she quietly mentioned that it won’t be the same anymore.  I could feel her sadness.  I had to look away to keep from crying.  She seems like an old soul at times, at only 13.

So, swallowing hard and praying to God that we ‘get’ another chance to gather around the table blessed with all the goodies made with love;  our family will survive and my grandchildren will always know how loved they are.



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