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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Goodbye 2014...

So many days this year were either happy of the happiest or sad of the saddest; but this little fella has erased so many sorrows around here and not just my own.  I have 5 gkids ages range from 16, 16, 13x2 and the this precious baby.  We are blessed to have this small wonder and know he is loved, loved, loved.

Today is the first day of 2016.  I have so many thoughts about another year coming up.  Excitement for what God has for me and my family.. and friends.  Contentment most of the time, but still miss S some of the time.  I will be glad when the thoughts turn to quiet reflection instead of sad, sad or sad. 

So, the recap of 2014 without anything about that looks like this:
Still working out like a gym rat.  Still run.   Still nurse injuries from time to time, mostly flare ups that, given some TLC normally subside  (yea haw)!

Job is Ok.  Coworker and I continue to butt heads occasionally.  But, 90% of the time he is humorous and we laugh... laughter can diffuse so much.  Boss worries me; he is 75 years old and his age really is showing.  I need to find another job but laziness keeps me stagnant.  But, the time is coming.

Still love, love, loving my condo.  Well my soft place to fall.  I don't own it and she would like to make me an offer but I asked that we shelve that till after the first of the year... oh boy.

Daughter/family still seem too far away.  I don't see them as often and it is hard to justify that with anything other than excuses.  Fall was exceptionally busy with ballgames... i.e.  flags, cheerleading and band.... D did really well to keep all that flowing!  I only had to worry about her and even that could stretch my patience. 

Relationship with R has not changed.  I am proud of how I have not gone backwards with him after S left.  He has asked several times and I have responded firmly but with love.  No thanks.  We have done that and we are not going back ever again.  He gets angry and I hold my ground and he backs off and then comes again.  Such a dance and considering last year and the year b4 and b4 and b4..... 10 years that was me!  over and over... roll reversal does not equate to easy or without emotion.

Family (siblings) are ok.  Don't see any of them often and my brother is selling his house with the pool which takes away our summer gathering spot.  It has been years that we have not had his pool or the boats and the lake to all converge.  Maybe this summer we can get to the lake more and enjoy each other.... I have to add that 'S' drinking is over the edge but he seems indifferent.  HIs new gfriend never says anything in front of us and they are now living together so I guess she either doesn't  care of is willing to look the other way.  she is a smart cookie so I would think the latter is the answer.

Frick and Frack are my constant companions when I am home.  they are both 10 years old.  Still get around just fine and I pray we have many more years together...

Really a mild fall and winter so far although today the high is 40.... Flooding on xmas day which was incredible.... Thank goodness none of my family were affected...

So that is the 2014 wrap up.  Still walking no matter what..... See you at the gym...

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