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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Trust in all of my life

Trust in all of my life

This is a tough one.  I have said before that I always had a belief in God but only time I called out to him was in disgrace or misfortune.  Certainly, only to alleviate the immediate concern.  After that I was back to ‘normal’ and Thank you God but I’m good!

That was until Nov 2004.  The 27th to be exact.  I know because that would have been our 13th wedding anniversary.  He wanted out of my life and I needed a new one.  One that would save me from me and all that I had become.  I had no idea the journey I was in for.

I have heard that IF we got what we thought we wanted we would short ourselves; I’m referring to our God prayers.  Living right, asking in prayer, and building a firm bedrock in which to live.  I was one of those people.

I begged God to restore my marriage.  I begged Him to fix my drinking.  I begged for my life to straighten out.  Little did I know what was in store.

First off, my marriage did not survive.  But I did get sober and my life has straightened out.  Wow!  So, does He answer our prayers or what?  I began to pray that R’s heart be changed where I was concerned.  It has.  I asked for a new job.  I got that.  Every time I had to move I asked for direction.  At one time I knew I was going to move; leave the apartment that I had lived in for 5 years.  Scary at best but inside I just knew I would be ok.  I asked for something in Hsv, a place for my cats to go outside.  A garage.  What I got was a beautiful condo.  A garage.  A small yard just big enough for frick and frack.  It was in Madison but now, I wouldn’t change that for anything.  I have been there for 3, almost 4 years.  Every day I walk up the stairs I smile.  This is exactly where I was supposed to be.  I am in awe.  There are many more examples of His working in my life some of which I had not even thought of but once the situation was over…. I was always ok.  The events of the summer had me stumped about God and his plan for me.  I still can get upset about the whole thing but I am not reliving that again.  Suffice to say it may have been what I wanted but the other party didn’t.  God saw me through and believe me it was a dark time.  I began to wonder was God there?  In spite of the evidence I have just mentioned… is He there? 

After the breakup I reassessed my true connection.  Was I truly listening?  Did I miss His direction?  During the months that followed things began to lighten up.  Now the next corner to turn.   Trust in spite of.  I have decided to release my grip on another area of my life that He says is the most important in our relationship.  I cried, I bargained and I finally said ok… Here ya go.  This is the interesting part.  Quietness filled me after sometime.  A joy came over me and I knew I would be ok.  This leap of faith was hard and will continue to stretch my faith but I’m giving it to Him.  Yes, I am testing Him.  But I know, in my heart, I will be ok.   Wow!

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