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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving.... every day.

Thank goodness that is over!  Thanksgiving…day…….

Ok, so the festivities were I cooked turkey and Miss Sydney did the cornbread dressing like her pawpaw made… M&A did a big ham and other fillers, D did pies and her parents did some casseroles.  All of the food groups were met.  Unfortunately some feelings got hurt.  But, we will not go there.  Funny how a few hours/days between then and now can ease the anger or angst of the day.  I believe that just the getting things made brings on anxiety and I also believe it gets worse when you bring 4 families together.  Whew!  Wipe your brow.

So, our sweet baby “t” was not feeling real well.  But, doctor is addressing what ails him.  I did get to watch sweetness on Friday while mom and dad did a run to the store.  It’s funny.  He has not been out of their site and certainly not left at anyone’s house… But, they did and he was fine.  I held him while he slept and it was so special.  After about 45 minutes my son called.  Mom how is everything.  I just laughed.  He is fine.  They walked in the door about 30 minutes later.  Too sweet.

So, the Xmas decorations are up.  It hit me as I was opening the box for the artificial tree and I thought as I have many years before…. When the tree gets put away after the holidays as I’m boxing it up I ALWAYS think… I wonder where I will be when I open this box next year.  And I always wish I will be in love again.  As I was putting the tree together I chose not to get sad over being alone again.  I’m never alone.  I have great kids and grandkids that will always be there to keep me company.  But the biggest thing is my God.  He will never leave me and I believe that… with all that I am…

So, the shopping has begun in all its fury.  What to by and for whom…. I really try to get this done early so that I can just enjoy the season.  This year will be the same.

I am excited about something I am making for my Bunco gals.  All homemade and I will cheerfully give out next Friday night.  I love finding or making that certain gift that no one would have expected.  For me, it really is about giving.   And I love to give.

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