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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

ooh baby baby!

Sweet, Sweet baby!

On Friday we welcomed our newest addition to our family.  A perfect little boy.  Absolutely adorable.  I was swelling with love.  Several things to note here.  One… this is my wild child’s child.  Well wild no more child.  Miracle child.  Well no longer a child, child.  I guess you get the point.  My sweet baby boy now has a sweet baby boy.

I have a confession of sorts.  I mean can you love one child more than another?  One grandchild more than the rest?  I do not have an answer to that.  What I do know is, and this is complete honesty, is when my children were born I was too young and immature to fully grasp what was happening.  Terribly sad!  When my first grandchild came along I was elated….. add 3 more to that mix.  They are and always will be my precious babies.  Always! So, this makes baby #5 for grandchildren.  I can not believe that.  5.  I only have 2 children.  I believe this baby will be smothered with love; from his parents and certainly grandparents.  How can a baby not be loved. 

So, there are no favorites.  No one gets a bigger portion of the ‘pie’ to say, but I love them all the same… even the youngest who absolutely stole my heart.  And I needed him too since it is broken.

So, as I rocked him that first night, as I held him tight I said a prayer to our God to please keep him safe and thank you for allowing this family to grow.

There are no greater blessings than to welcome a child into the world.




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