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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dare I............

Dare I write one more time on death?  On where we go?  On what happens?  Should this be about spirituality?  I’m grasping at straws.

He is about to leave us.  His poor worn out body; ½ the size it was; his hair is gone, skin is grey and hasn’t spoken since yesterday morning.  Loss of most functions.  Well, except his heart… it’s still beating.  How, I do not know.

All of this has forced me to find answers to those obvious questions, where do we go?  What does he know right at this moment?  Can he hear us as we make those final plans?  The last tears?  Goodbyes?

In reading,  most say, yes.. He can hear.  Only God knows the hour, this I truly believe.

Whoa!  I can not do this today.  We are all sad.  He is leaving us.  He already has in spirit.  Count blessings, yes… count..1,2,3


That he was happy the day “M” married.  The smile just would not go away.  I am certain he knew the end was near but by God his child was good.  His child, the wild child, the n’er do good, child.  Yes, that one.  Walked down the isle and his proud dad watched and was truly glowing.  Did he know then?

That his precious grandkids had the best of relationships with “pawpaw”.  They love him unconditionally, as it should be.  He more than loved, he adored them.  Gave them most of what they wanted.. they will never know that again.  Never.  I just pray they can rise above his passing and see how truly wonderful that time with him was.

Kids……. They will be  heartbroken.  Who wouldn’t be at the loss of a parent.  In time both of them will be glad of the time with him, albeit short.  Even with his demeanor, which at times could be less than kind,  they could see the good; something I left behind long ago.


So………. Here God… he is yours (as if you didn’t already know that)! 


I won’t have my answers till I stand before God, and by then it won’t matter.  Thank you God for the 65 years you let this man walk on your earth…

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