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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Awesome power of God!

Sometimes I want to forget or try to forget that I am a recovering woman.  Less meetings, less meditation... less connections to those who truly understand that disease.  I know that AA brought me to God and from there I am fully seated in a wonderful church.  Can we have both?  My scales tip one wa
y or the next but the desirable location would be in the center.  Yesterday our topic was awareness.  So, I began to ponder on that.  Just how aware am I?  Am I present?  Do I listen while someone is talking?  Where are my feet?  Right here, right now.....   Practicing!

Worried about the man child again.  After having a pretty awful surgery they gave him some pain meds.  Then a second round.  Now, he stopped taking them before he finished the 2nd script and that made me happy (for him).  However, he isn't going to meetings and seems distant and detached.  It would kill me to see him slip away but I also know that I am not in charge of his life.  But that does not free me from the concern. 

'R' leaves this week for a 15 day trip out west.  I just feel some jealousy about this.  He had promised that we would go.  Ok, I digress.

Do we really ever change our stripes?  I fight  that fight more often that I care to admit.  those defects still roam around my spirit.  I read a long time ago that we are what we think.  We are what we dwell on.  So, for today I shall focus on God, meditation and renewing of my spirit.

And if that still doesn't quiet the lion inside...  find another woman to help. 

Here is a beautiful sunset last night.  Awesome power of God!

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