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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, June 20, 2014

The time(s) of our lives

Ah the times of our lives…………….  The times of OUR lives.   The TIMES…………. 

Emotionally my week has been full.  Spiritually it is absolutely full and over flowing.  Physically I feel awesome!  And here comes the 3 day weekend!!!!!!!!!

‘R’ called last night to tell me he would be home today.  I was excited/am excited.  Can you imagine.  Our dance continues.  Now, he did not say come over…………. So my imagination just takes me where I allow it to.  URRRRR!  Turn left!   It occurred tome this morning that he left 2 weeks ago.  After a few days he called and admonished me for a comment I sent him.  It hurt but oh well.  He called again a few nights ago to tell me he was on his way home.  And again last night.  But during his time out west I did not hear from him.  So, he leaves and forgets… he comes back and he THINKS I will jump.  God help me not to. 

I am excited for a kayak trip this weekend.  Family going.  It is supposed to be incredibly hot 96 degrees!  Humid and slight chance of a shower.  Which usually cools it off.  Just to be on the water for the six hours it takes to go from point A to B.  I’m ready!  Daughter going this time for her first time.  I hope she enjoys this.  While it is work (you paddle the whole time) it is fun too.

Went to a dinner party last night at a friends house.  We have known each other since we were about 13.  Thick and thin.  Good and bad.  Divorces and death.  Her youngest son OD’d 11 years ago yesterday.  Her poor soul has suffered incredible loss and she is just now beginning to come up for air.  She is an awesome woman who after 17 years of marriage her pos husband leaves her for another woman.  Leaving her with their 3 kids all under 15.  Finally she meets and marries a wonderful man that has given her all the love she never had from #1.  I am in awe of his love for her.  He constantly showers her with it.

Life still moves in a direction we aren’t always in agreement with.  But it moves.  Whether we go willingly or not…. It continues.  Without our permission.  So, if we/I allow God to direct us… who /what shall we fear…………?

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