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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, March 21, 2014

My Part, HIS part



I have taken a blow to the gut today.  I couldn’t breathe.  It absolutely hit me hard.  It hurt.

When prayers change your course sometimes we leave people behind.  I know.  That doesn’t make it easy, it is just the facts.  However,  holding on just tight enough to keep what you are afraid to lose, isn’t the way to go.  And here I sit.

Now, I have had the chance to think this over.  And over.  And over.  Yup,  can’t let it go…yet. 

So, someone speaks their truth and if it hurts we are equipped to say, ‘well your entitled’.  Even if it hurts.  That is where I am. 

So, walking through the (a) hurt; (b) pain; (c) fear may just test my God waters.  I know that I know He will/ uh has done for me what I could not do for myself many times.  So, He will do this too.  In the meantime sitting in this may be uncomfortable. 

And like a big baby, I do not do uncomfortable well.  Or, for very long.


Day 1


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