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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sunshine Lollypops and................

Sunshine and Lollypops.

Finally today we should see temps in the high 70’s.  It has been a L-O-N-G winter.  Not just here in the South, but everywhere.  I hope this is the beginning of warmer weather that will stay…

So, warmer temps and a beautiful blue sky.  Fantastic weather really does makes us feel better doesn’t it? 

A mention of a heavy subject last night at bible study.  Does God send suffering to make a point?  Is there a reason for all bad?  A very lively group that interjected lots of their own beliefs.  I sat and listened.  I guess I still have the concept that he will allow bad and does bestow good to those who seek him.  But it isn’t a ‘tit for tat’ matter.  He is not a score keeper (Thank you!)  However, the lingering thought this morning is what if we are all wrong?  We should never question why things happen?  NEVER?  I was born a questioner.  I don’t challenge all things, but I certainly look for answers rather than speculate. 

So, April fools day and I have no one to fool.  Dang!


I hope the day finds everyone enjoying something….



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