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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring ahead

Warmer weather and time change.

Winter isn't officially over but Spring is right around the corner.  Our temps are rising as our days get longer.  No one can dispute this was a long winter.  Cold, snow, grey skies.  I, for one, am ready for summer. 

I am not good at waiting.  Is anyone?  My state return was accepted in the beginning of Feb.  No refund yet, while people all around me are reaping in their refunds.  It does leave me thinking something is wrong.  I'd rather know than wonder.

Starting another dental round.  No further info is necessary, just know that not only is this to repair what was done about 3 years ago, but more on some other areas.  Thankfully my dentist offers 7am appts.  One of which is mine, this morning.

Still fighting the in and out of depression.  I see my dr. next week but honestly, I don't want them to change meds again.  I just wish I could leave all that behind. 

R and I are off again.  I just told him several weeks ago (again) that we will not carry on a physical relationship any more.  Funny thing is within a week or so he calls and wants to come over. 

Life happens, sometimes I participate and some days I dig my heels in and demand better from them.  But, allowing God to soothe my soul really gives me peace among the fear.

To leave this post in a negative light really does not show my heart this morning.  I am hopeful, and hopefully I will exude that today.


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