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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Books, New Month, New Attitude………………

New Books, New Month, New Attitude………………

Ok, it’s September!  That in itself is such a great month, isn’t it?  The air begins to shift to a tad cooler at night.  Football season begins (and in Alabama that means a huge rivalry).   And we say goodbye to summer, which normally would be great due to heat and humidity, but our heat krept in last week.  How crazy is that?  Hopefully it won’t stay.

Several books came recommended by my therapist, (I know, I know.  Stop taking my temp!)  no boring details here, but I started the first (both being workbooks) this morning.  The will both require total honesty AND giving them time!  Meaning don’t sit down and just write a bunch of nothing!

I reminded her I am a task master and given a set of guidelines I can follow them to a ‘T’.  And I expect too.  But!  I will give this new group (therapy!  Good Grief) a 4 week chance.  See how skeptical I can be.  I’m dried up on all this “self help, their help” stuff.  But!  I will follow through,,,, for now.

So, my last entry is “new attitude”.  Do I have one?  Yes.  Does it have to do with ………………….  Never mind.  What difference does it make.  For today (remember, that is all we have, right?) my ducks are aligned.. tee hee. 

 Family will always be family.  We had our end of summer cookout/swimming.  Not everyone could show up but those that did increased my joy, that is for sure.  Only 2 of my precious gkids went.  We have 1 nursing a torn ACL and the other did not want her to feel left out so she stayed home too.  Syd now plays in the band, as such she marches during ½ time at the HS football games.  I am so proud of her…





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