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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Daily Musings and Happy 4th of July

Beginning the 3rd month of living in my new digs.  Love it!  The space, the small yard, the quiet, the garage that allows me to store whatever has still not been unpacked, which isn’t much.  Problem going forward with that stuff is when do I let go of it.  I have never been a pack rat.  Never.  I am the one that so enjoys order.  If you don’t use it, get rid of it.  Hmmm now I am having to listen to my own words.  I believe that part of the sadness of getting rid of this “stuff” is the memories.  It took several years to even look through the storage facility I rented 8 years ago.  So the process has been slow, but still moving forward.  So, another thing I have learned is as I/we age, our interests do as well.  What I liked then I may not now.  Collecting Boyd’s bears had become an obsession.  I have several boxes to prove that. 

I just feel that when I am ready, I will let go of all of those “things”.  I really wish my grandkids would enjoy some of what I loved collecting, but I think they are too young.  I am sure that I am a old person that just happens to love them.  Nothing special.  However, spin that table and I am totally smitten by them. 

This happens to be the 4th of July week.  Man that was one of the biggest partying holidays we had.  All of us hanging out at Scott’s drinking, swimming, cooking out!  Great times.  He still has a pool in his backyard and until this year we did still hang out there.  Several things have changed for him so the invites rarely come.

This is also the week of the day (July 4th, 1995) that mom died.  Donna called it “her independence day”.  That will always stick with me.  She needed her independence.  She was so sick.  But, I will not relive that time.  She is in a better place. 

I am battling the morning tears again.  I had my meds adjusted so I am praying whatever is pushing the sadness will be lessened in time.  Or, maybe I am just a depressed person that will learn to live with the sadness that seems to loom right below the surface.  Crazy thing is that it comes in the morning and leaves about lunch.  I see the doc next Tuesday.  Lets see if she listens to me. 

Picking up my revamped resume tonight.  I had to have it professionally redone.  Hopefully it will hit the right hands and my employment will change.  Until then, I will keep suiting up and showing up.  Even when I reluctantly walk through that door 5 days a week, I am certain most folks do not hate coming to work.   But that’s a different story………….


So, daily musings are not really amusing, but once again shared from me to …. Me!

Beginning the 3rd month of living in my new digs.  Love it!  The space, the small yard, the quiet, the garage that allows me to store whatever has still not been unpacked, which isn’t much.  Problem going forward with that stuff is when do I let go of it.  I have never been a pack rat.  Never.  I am the one that so enjoys order.  If you don’t use it, get rid of it.  Hmmm now I am having to listen to my own words.  I believe that part of the sadness of getting rid of this “stuff” is the memories.  It took several years to even look through the storage facility I rented 8 years ago.  So the process has been slow, but still moving forward.  So, another thing I have learned is as I/we age, our interests do as well.  What I liked then I may not now.  Collecting Boyd’s bears had become an obsession.  I have several boxes to prove that. 

I just feel that when I am ready, I will let go of all of those “things”.  I really wish my grandkids would enjoy some of what I loved collecting, but I think they are too young.  I am sure that I am a old person that just happens to love them.  Nothing special.  However, spin that table and I am totally smitten by them. 

This happens to be the 4th of July week.  Man that was one of the biggest partying holidays we had.  All of us hanging out at Scott’s drinking, swimming, cooking out!  Great times.  He still has a pool in his backyard and until this year we did still hang out there.  Several things have changed for him so the invites rarely come.

This is also the week of the day (July 4th, 1995) that mom died.  Donna called it “her independence day”.  That will always stick with me.  She needed her independence.  She was so sick.  But, I will not relive that time.  She is in a better place. 

I am battling the morning tears again.  I had my meds adjusted so I am praying whatever is pushing the sadness will be lessened in time.  Or, maybe I am just a depressed person that will learn to live with the sadness that seems to loom right below the surface.  Crazy thing is that it comes in the morning and leaves about lunch.  I see the doc next Tuesday.  Lets see if she listens to me. 

Picking up my revamped resume tonight.  I had to have it professionally redone.  Hopefully it will hit the right hands and my employment will change.  Until then, I will keep suiting up and showing up.  Even when I reluctantly walk through that door 5 days a week, I am certain most folks do not hate coming to work.   But that’s a different story………….


So, daily musings are not really amusing, but once again shared from me to …. Me!

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl, we have so much in common. This is your mom's independence day. Celebrate her life, and try to focus less on your loss ~ grieving is necessary and proper respect for the life lived ~ you have moved on and you're doing super! Hope those new meds work out better for you. Depression can only be worked from our system completely by us; so I guess that's the bad news. The good news is that this years celebration of Aunt Joan/your Mom brings new awareness-es to put with the old to illuminate the goodness in life!
    From me to me ~
