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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Positive that positive thinking can create a positive attitude....

It seems that most if not all of my entries seem to be about sadness, depression, work issues, relationships….  I went back through some of them and was disgusted that it never sounded like my life is ok.  Better than it was.   Where is the hope?

Unfortunately it takes doing just that to say, ‘whoa’.   Not sure when or where it came from but I am truly a negative person.   And I hate that about myself.   So, what I am learning is that awareness could and should lead to a change.  Oh boy.  How do I do that?

Let me start with the positive things in my life ‘today’.    You know, a GRATITUDE list.  They really make us/me look at my life differently.

I have a job.
I so love my condo.  It truly is my soft place to fall.
I can pay, and do, my bills.
I have my health, albeit a few squeeks here and there.
My children/ grandchildren  are doing ok.
I am ok without a man in my life.  (huh, who would have thought that?)
I am sober.
I am not in debt.
Most of all I have a relationship with a GOD of my understanding that loves me more than I can possibly  understand.  I have learned to rely on His power, no my own.

Everything else is gravy.

So, for today, let me go on record as having a positive post.   Hey I like that.

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