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Thursday, June 27, 2013

If we don't look, it doesn't exist

I have a soft heart.  It breaks when I know or see someone is hurting.  I think partly because I can imagine their pain.  Partly because I am a mother, it is instinct to want to help.  Stopping short of fixing their issue, which sometimes takes all I can do, not to do that.  Especially my kids.

I talked with someone today that knows she handed someone some important documents over 2 years ago.  When those documents were needed they were not located.  More importantly, she was told they were never turned in.  Now, here is the deal; I believe her.  I know she is forgetful at times, but she can relay every detail of that day.  Problem still exists, they are no where to be found.  This is costing her several thousands of dollars because of that.  Thousands……….

Now here is my deal.  I believe her.  But I can not prove or disprove.  When others were asked, the response was, ‘no, we never had them’.   

I just believe her and my dilemma is that there is nothing I can do to change that.  I listened to her on the phone just sick about this whole thing.  And I had that feeling.  So, how do we handle those “situations”?  work, home, family, friends…………….  How do we fly under the radar (if you will) unnoticed?

Injustice is everwhere.  But, out of apathy do we turn the other cheek?  I guess I have been at that place that needs to be heard.  Knows the truth.  But is not listened to.  Are those people turning around like they don’t see?  Please God don’t let that be me.

But here I sit pondering the situation as if I held the majic key to unlock this mystery and help this precious woman move on.   If confrontation of the key part of this issue would erase this , I would.  I did.  And that went right down the tubes to the ‘you don’t know what your talking about’ sewer.

So, she knows,  I am pretty certain I do……………. That is where this stops.  And I hate it.  See I have always had a problem standing up for myself.  Oh, I have, I try and I will but met with oppostition I normally stand my ground until the heat gets too great.  I have literally said to myself,  “how important is this?”

I suppose one of my glaring defects is that I have carried around with me my ENTIRE life the thought/fact that I don’t matter.  That has caused me some major pain/tears.  Therapy only gave me the recognition, the work begins afterwards and somedays I am successful, others not so much.

So, when you see a homeless person, an elderly person or a child heck, anyone that is not being heard, being put down, leaving to rot………………….. stop.  People stop and lend YOUR hand.  We all to often seem apathetic and that is where it stops. 

I am learning, growning into a person that can make a difference to the life/day of these people… IF I take the time.

We ALL matter.  (thought to ponder)

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