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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

When will I learn

Ok, let me preface this (albeit humorously) that I am a self driven, motivated woman.  With most areas of my life.  Ok, the ones that either make me happy or the ones that cause me pain.  That netherland inbetween is usually left alone.  So, I am always on guard of my weight.  I was skinny as a rail as a child but as my late teenage years came to a close i was overweight.  And I continued to either ramp up how to combat that (yes, usually there were drugs involved) or blissfully filling the
void with more carbs.  With me still?
So about the time my birthday was saying "your how old?" i got serious and pulled off a 50 lbs weight loss along with lots of gym time.  I was blissfully happy at that accomplishment.  And I swore that would never happen again.
Well it did.  Within 3 years or so I was back up those and then some.  Add another 4 or 5 and I was heavy!  I decided to take the gastric bypass route. 
Today 7 years later I have held off all the weight and now I am in love with working out...  I may have a few pounds I could lose but honestly that excess skin is already and issue so  enough is enough.
so back to the gym.  I work out 3 sometimes 4 days a week.  cardio and weight lifting.  YU-MY.

So all is well and then these crazy body parts started acting up.  Knees !  and we NEED our KNEES.
I won't go into detail but after surgery 2 years ago and ignoring the doctor telling me i would not run again,  i found that i could and i did.  never more than 3 miles at a time and at that i would have to break for a minute here and there.   And they last Oct i hit (figurativly) a stopping point.  Pain in the right knee was too much to ignore.  back to the doc and some meds and off i go.  ok, enough.  I am in a world of hurt.  my right one gave out about a week ago and the left aches like it is on fire. 

Steroid shot yesterday and a brace.  of which i will post.  I am a 54 year old grandmother of 4 when am i going to act like it.


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