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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Self Discovery (more)

I suppose this never ends.  After 5 years of sober living I found that I was getting increasingly depressed.  Just could not put my finger on "it".  I Started seeking professional help.  She pegged me right away.  It's called ACOA - Adult Children of Alcoholics.  Wow. 
I had bounced in and out of Alanon gripping the whole time.  I hated it and could not see the benefit.  Besides, don't we have a program of self discovery?  So, here I am, again.  ACOA.  I had heard about it some years ago.  But frankly, I did not want to associate who I am today with how I was raised.  What could that have to do w/ my personality, my ability to handle things like relationships.  Personal and work related.  HUH?
It is being addressed a small parts that I am not to blame (up to this point) of the choices  & mistakes made with life.  Relationships.  Marriage(s). 
I had not been shown healthy relationships.  I "learned" how to react instead of how to cope.  Survival skills.  Nothing more.
How sad is that?  AND another discovery long after the age of 50.  Waaah I want my mama.  No wait that is how this thing started.  And not a blame game.  A path that will teach me new coping skills.  So this should certainly open new wounds.  But I am ready for more.  More healing.  Perhaps showing me and certainly teaching me why and how I have forged to this point.
I will continue to blog my successes and discoveries.  I do this for me and hopefully if you have found this blog perhaps you too will find peace in your life.

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