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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Circle of Life

Circle, Full as it can be.
If what goes around, comes around then today, I'm good.
I want to share (and JAW hope you don't mind) that I have a very distended family.  Aunts and Uncles I haven't seen in years.  Well one aunt and one uncle.  Growning up they were my VERY favority adults (outside of my grandparents) in the world.  They seemed kind, loving and even interested in kids.  At least that is what it seemed.  If it were otherwise, please don't tell me.  Some memories are worth keeping.  Our families had Thanksgiving together in their big house.  They had money (i guess) we did not.  I'll never forget my aunt came to our scary run down house and found that my bed was kept off the floor by a cynder block.  She said little but after that my bed got fixed.  Hmmm.  These people were torn out of our lives by a tragic event.  in April of 1968 our house burned down.   My poor mother.  Can you imagine?  Everything she owned was gone.  We were packed up (all our belongings fit in the smallest uhaul you could rent) and moved to Alabama.  That was a lifetime ago.  Oh sure, memories can go either way, right?  These will always be enblazened in my mind.  What will happen to us?
Well fast forward to uh maybe last year sometime.  Somehow we connected to that family on FB or email or something.  It was awesome.  You see in that family there was the same amount of kids, same amount of sexes (3 girls 1 boy).  And all the ages matched.  It was really neat.  What I want to write about is not the loss (ok that is sad in an of itself) but the found.  And I don't ever want to lose it.  If I could jump on a plane I would.  However, what I see when I think of all of them are the 8, 10, 12, 14 year olds.  We have all grown up, had families of our own.  Jobs, losses, spouses, divorces you name it.
And here we are...........44 years later.  Oh my gosh.  That makes me 53 and I have changed so much.  Would they recognize me or any of my siblings?  Do they really ever think of us?  I know I think of all of them often.  I wish them all the love and happiness this life has to offer. 

Will they take it?  I hope so.  JAW you are my connection.  I love you from afar....... And all the rest of your family too.


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