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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Think happy today

Control over my thoughts?  Are you kidding?  How?  I was listening to a speaker earlier.  She said we can and should watch our thoughts because they become our actions.  Ok, I get that.  But how do you fight the subliminal crappy thought life?  So she shared that she had to (notice the past tense) train herself.  Over and over and over and over..........  Bad thought replaced with truth (from God's word).  But we have to know what the truth is.  Perhaps it 's our own truth.  I.E.  I'm uncomfortable with people who challenge my decision making.  It makes me feel bad about myself.  So, truth is it does not need to take me down the path of "i'm so stupid".  Thats MY thinking.  Ok, God take over.  mmmmmmmmmmmmm (that's me hunkered down waiting on God).  Well HE created me.  He knew me before I was formed in the womb, He knew what he was getting when he brought me to the program of AA.  HE, HE, HE.  tee hee.  Calm you silly self down.  Your enough in His eyes.  Do the other people matter?  Well, somedays yes.  It's been a tough week. 
My thinking has raced all over the place.  good, bad, why live, who cares, he hates me, its my fault...  Yup go ahead.  Put yourself down. 
And then tell God he made a mistake.  Really?  You want to do that?  

Ok head.  Calm down.  REad passages that reaffirm what is deep inside of you.   Your enough. 

HE loves me, He really does.   And I get to stay sober all day.   And somewhat calm.

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